Enhance your interiors with these 4 painting points

The home is where the heart is. For many of us, it’s the curb appeal that makes or breaks the beauty of a house – and don’t get us wrong, exterior paint quality and workmanship has a lot of say in this.

The home is where the heart is. For many of us, it’s the curb appeal that makes or breaks the beauty of a house – and don’t get us wrong, exterior paint quality and workmanship has a lot of say in this.

Yet, it’s really what’s inside that matters the most. With this in mind, we’ve compiled some helpful, simple steps to beautify your home’s interiors.

Want to enhance your home’s interiors?

Read more from the Perth painters at Contrast Painting to learn the 4 painting points that make it possible.


1.     Choose the right paint

You can’t cook a delicious meal without the best ingredients. Similarly, you can’t paint the interiors of a home or business perfectly, without the right paint.

There a plenty of paints to choose from, with some far more superior than others.

The wrong brand of paint, in the wrong colour are two decisions that can ultimately be avoided.

This is why it’s highly recommended to use the services of a professional Residential Perth painter. We’ll be able to assess your home, prep accordingly and properly and use the right paint the first time around. But more on that later.


2.   Ensure proper preparation of surfaces

Whether you’re attempting DIY painting or enlisting the help of someone else – it’s incredibly essential to ensure the surface is efficiently prepared before paint is applied.

This includes, but isn’t limited to:

·       Cleaning the surface with sugar soap to rid any existing contaminants

·       Thoroughly wiping down the surface (with water only) to wash away traces of the sugar soap

·       Ensuring the surface is 100% dry before painting begins.

Why is this important? It gives your paint the best chance of both longevity and aesthetic appeal.


3.   Paint when the weather permits

This makes sense for exterior painting – but actually, it’s relevant for interior residential and commercial painting projects, too.

For example, painting should be avoided in winter and when heavy rain is forecasted.

It turns out, what’s happening outside the building can definitely impact the inside of it, as well.

Why? Because moisture is the enemy of paint, making it crack and increasing the time it takes for the paint to dry successfully.


4.   Leave it to the professionals

You can worry about meeting all of the above painting points, or you can sit back, relax and leave it all to the professionals.

When you hire Contrast Painting to handle you interior (and exterior) painting, know that interior allure is always achieved. This comes down to our extensive experience and dedicated drive to bring smooth, optimal paint projects and finishes to life.

DIY painting isn’t always the guaranteed way to enhance your interiors.

Yet with a professional Perth painter, we’ll create an artistic, clean finish to your painting requirements. Guaranteed.


There’s no greater way to enhance your interiors than with professional painting by a reputable, results-focused team.


Need a professional house painter in Perth?

Look no further than Contrast Painting.

Alain and Paul have many years of experience in providing premium painting results across residential, commercial and luxury settings.

Contact us today for a fast, free quote.

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