How often should you paint your home?

How often you should paint your home is a question that has stumped homeowners generation upon generation. The answer, as you can probably appreciate, is dependent on a handful of factors.

How often you should paint your home is a question that has stumped homeowners generation upon generation. The answer, as you can probably appreciate, is dependent on a handful of factors.

As such, how often you should paint your home may lay nicely within or differ substantially to be anything from 2 years to 15 years.

Interested to find out how often you should really paint your home and all the influencing factors that come into play?

Learn all about it and why with the painters at Contrast Painting down below.


How often should you paint the interior of your home?


The amount of moisture in your home is the biggest factor in deciding how frequently your home should be painted.

So, let’s get some interior painting clarity on timeframes below:

·         Due to the increased humidity housed in laundries and bathrooms – these rooms benefit from new paint every 3-5 years.

·         Bedrooms and other internal rooms are recommended to be painted every 5-10 years. However, this will likely be brought forward if young children are involved due to the increased likelihood of messy, grubby walls or even preference changes in room colours.

Have young children? Consider a repainting refresh at 2-5 years.

Who is living in and enjoying your home – from their ages to the number of occupants – will subtly but surely influence the frequency of painting maintenance. But what about outside the home?


How often should you paint the exterior of your home?


The location, climate, previous paint and painting professionalism utilised will hold the answer to this question.


For your convenience, use the below guide:

·         Paint on rendered walls varies significantly based on the painter. Professional painting work can last beautifully for up to 10 years. However, if initially completed by a less-than-impressive painter, the time in between paint touch-ups will probably be a lot sooner.

·         Paint on timber will last up to 10 years, whereas on weatherboard of fibro – up to 15 years.

·         Stained and/or timber with a clear finish would benefit from re-painting every 2-5 years.

Environmental factors to account for:

·         Paint longevity will be reduced by half if exterior is in full sunlight.

·         Coastal settings require re-painting every 2-3 years – but talk to your painter about high-quality marine grade paints to diminish maintenance caused by sea salt build up.

·         Did you know sprinkler systems will affect paint longevity, too?

If you can’t remember the last time your exterior paint had some TLC, it’s time to invest in your home’s curb appeal with the help of a Perth house painter.


Rely on Contrast Painting to paint your home


Contrast Painting have the dedicated, quality painting services you need for your home.

We provide experience and professionalism in painting ceilings and walls, kitchens, bathrooms, window frames and doors to multi-storey dwellings and heritage homes.

Rest assured that the finer details in your home will be highlighted to enhance the liveability, comfort and overall monetary and emotional value of your home.

Need a professional house painter in Perth?

Contact Contrast Painting today for quality results that will add investment to your property.

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