Choosing the Right Colours for Your Home or Business

Colours are, quite simply, awesome. Whether you’re refreshing a room at home or transforming a commercial space, they have the power to influence perceptions and emotions

Colours are, quite simply, awesome. Whether you’re refreshing a room at home or transforming a commercial space, they have the power to influence perceptions and emotions. Nowadays, you can even choose from all the colours of the rainbow. And then some. But with so much choice, where do you even start? Contrast Painting is here to help point you in the right creative direction.

Perfecting Your Palette

Choosing the perfect colours for your home or business is about creating an atmosphere that fits the purpose and personality of the space. The colours you choose can set the tone for how people feel when they enter a room, affecting everything from their mood to their productivity.

It’s also a real opportunity to express yourself with style and flair. Yes, your choices may need to serve a specific function, but have fun with it too! So, let’s delve into the art and science of colour selection.

Understanding a Colour Wheel

colour wheel can be a great creative tool and source of inspiration when it comes to choosing colours. However, there is a knack to them. Understanding how colours interact will help you choose more effectively and create visually appealing combinations.

The Basics

  • Primary Colours: These are the three colours that cannot be created by mixing other colours: red, blue, and yellow. All other colours are derived from these primary colours.


  • Secondary Colours: These are the colours formed by mixing equal parts of two primary colours. They are orange (red + yellow), green (yellow + blue), and purple (blue + red).


  • Tertiary Colours: These are the colours formed by mixing a primary colour with a neighbouring secondary colour on the colour wheel. Examples include red-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, etc.


The Colour Schemes

  • Analogous: Colours that are adjacent to each other on the colour wheel. Analogous colour schemes are harmonious and pleasing to the eye.


  • Complementary: Colours that are opposite each other on the colour wheel. Complementary colour schemes create strong contrast and vibrancy when used together.


  • Triadic: Three colours that are evenly spaced around the colour wheel. Triadic colour schemes offer a balance of contrast and harmony.


  • Split-Complementary: A variation of the complementary colour scheme, where you use the two colours adjacent to its complement instead of using the direct opposite colour.


  • Monochromatic: Different shades and tints of a single colour. Monochromatic colour schemes are simple and can create a sense of unity in a design.


Consider Mood and Function

The purpose of the room should influence your colour choices. For example, bedrooms are often painted in calming colours to promote relaxation and sleep, while kitchens and dining areas may benefit from brighter hues that stimulate appetite and conversation.

Also, think about the mood. How do you want to feel when you enter the room? Relaxed? Inspired? Energised? Cooler tones like blues and greens can create a sense of calmness and relaxation, while neutral colours like beige and grey can offer a feeling of sophistication and balance.

Assess the Room as a Whole

If you’re painting multiple rooms, consider how the colours flow from one space to another. You don’t want to stroll through your house or office and be jarred by the tonal shift between spaces. Be cautious when using dark colours in small rooms, as they can make the space feel more confined. Similarly, overly light colours in large rooms might make them feel cold and impersonal.

Take into account the existing furniture, flooring, and decor in the room. Choose colours that complement these elements rather than clash with them. You may even get inspiration from a particular painting or furnishing and want to match the new colour palette of an entire room to it!

Introduce accent colours to add visual interest and personality to the space. This can be done through accent walls, furniture, accessories, or artwork. You can also consider the room’s architectural features, such as trim, moulding, and built-in fixtures. For example, painting skirting boards and moulding in a contrasting colour can create a bit of depth and highlight architectural details. You could even draw focus to a fab fireplace or windows with a wow factor.

Samples and Lighting

It is important to test your chosen colours. Colours on a swatch or colour wheel can look very different once painted on your wall. Paint samples directly onto the walls to see how they interact with the room’s lighting and decor. Observing the colours in context will give you a better idea of how they will look once fully painted.

It’s also helpful to see how the colours change throughout the day as lighting conditions shift. Artificial lighting, such as overhead lights and lamps, can also alter the perception of colour. Test paint samples in different lighting conditions to ensure your chosen colours look appealing at all times of the day.

Find Inspiration
Look for inspiration in interior design magazines, websites, social media platforms, and nature. Pay attention to colour combinations that resonate with you and consider how you can adapt them to suit your space. You can also create mood boards or gather swatches to visualise different colour schemes.

While it’s common to be influenced by current trends, don’t let them dictate your entire colour scheme. Trends come and go, so choose colours that you genuinely love and that will stand the test of time. Take your time. Rushing the decision might result in regrettable choices you’ll have to live with for a long time. Explore different options, gather inspiration, and test paint samples until you find the perfect colour scheme that reflects your style.

Colour with Contrast

Let’s say you’ve been inspired, considered your options, chosen your colour palette, and want to transform your space. What next? It’s time to consult with the professionals. At Contrast Painting, we can make your concept a reality.

Our experienced team know that each home and business is different and is ready to meet the needs of every individual. Whether the job is big, small, residential, or commercial, our skilled and cost-effective service offers efficiency without sacrificing quality. Contact us today for a quote!

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