Winter Blues? These Cheery Paint Colours Can Help

Winter is coming. For the rest of the world, winter can be a very grey season. It can leave you feeling uninspired and a little flat.

Winter is coming. For the rest of the world, winter can be a very grey season. It can leave you feeling uninspired and a little flat. One great way to combat this feeling is to liven up your home interior with some new, bright and cheery colours that transform your home into a happy haven.

Today, our residential painters in Perth are parting with some advice on how to get over the winter blues with a painting renovation.

Bedroom colours to consider:

Our bedroom is the place where we begin and end our day. What better place to start with a refresh, right?

  • Blue Bell

  • When it comes to a feeling of rest and calm, nothing feels quite like Blue Bell. We love transforming bedrooms into this sky blue colour as it can help with sleep, which will set the right blueprint for the rest of the day.


  • Grasshopper

  • Feel immersed in nature with this green colour. Pair this with some natural elements like plants or wooden furniture to complete the look and ambience of your bedroom.


  • Potentially Purple

  • Lilac is a soft colour that puts residents into a state of calm. Perfect for the spot where you’ll be trying to relax as peacefully as you can.


Kitchen colours to consider:

The kitchen is where the family’s heart is, right? As soon as you pop out of bed, where do you find yourself? At the heart of your home, the kitchen of course. Putting a new colour in your kitchen can also help add that spring in your step for the rest of your day.

  • Pineapple Cream

  • Nothing screams cheery like yellow. Wouldn’t you agree with us? Yellow makes us think of the sun or of sunflowers. It is bright and beautiful, and can feel like the sun is shining, even on a cold winter day.


  • Extra White

  • Yes, we know white isn’t exactly a “colour,” it’s still a great option for your kitchen. Bring that sense of purity and renewal to your kitchen. It is like starting your day with a blank canvas – what a brilliant way to start the day!


  • Tuberose

  • Bring some heat to the kitchen with a passionate red colour. After all, red is the colour of warmth and has associations with things like fire and heat. What an ideal way  to liven up your house in the winter. Did you know that red is known to stimulate appetite? It only makes sense as a colour for your kitchen.


Living room colours to consider: 

Your living room is probably a focal point of your home and is where you, your family, and your guests will spend the most time. It is a great idea to make your living room an inviting and rejuvenating place.

  • Aquarium

  • We can’t get enough of teal! It is a natural colour that brings a feeling of calm to any space. Now take that feeling to the living room and you will reap benefits of both the calming elements of the blue, and the grounding elements of the green tones.


  • Goldenrod

  • Level up your yellow with Goldenrod. It brings warmth to any room as it evokes the sun, while also reminding one of a field of flowers. This will bring a sense of spring to your living room’s ambience.

Explore our residential painting services today. Our experienced team at Contrast Painting Perth are happy, and available to advise and support you in your painting project. Get in touch with us today.  

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