Tips For Selecting Exterior House Colours

Many find selecting a colour for interior walls to be far less daunting. Protected by the confines of your personal space, there’s a sense of freedom that can be concealed from the public eye. When considering the exposed display that is the exterior of your home, there’s an additional level of courtesy required, to ensure a cohesive neighbourhood aesthetic is achieved.

Many find selecting a colour for interior walls to be far less daunting.

Protected by the confines of your personal space, there’s a sense of freedom that can be concealed from the public eye. When considering the exposed display that is the exterior of your home, there’s an additional level of courtesy required, to ensure a cohesive neighbourhood aesthetic is achieved.

Our team at Contrast Painting Perth wants you to feel confident with your exterior colour selections, that is why we have come up with a few useful tips to ensure a painless experience.

Consider you surroundings

The perfect place to start any design endeavour is with an analysis of the surroundings, considering both the natural and constructed environment. Deriving inspiration from adjacent houses can stimulate initial colour ideas. This is not to suggest your front elevation be so alike the rest of the neighbourhood that you forget which house is yours. However, to achieve a harmonious street canvas, a complimentary palette can make a huge difference.

Of course, you don’t need to feel restricted by the architectural characteristics of your home, but by enhancing the style, further dimension and impact can be introduced in a compatible manner. Analysing form and scale can assist your decision between bold versus subtle, one flawless hue versus two contrasting tones. From a white veil of modern sophistication to the daring, bold personality of art deco, the style of your home can take some of the guesswork out of the verdict.

Put it to the test

From the muse of your local area, and inspirational photos of previous works displaying your preferred palette, you can start sampling. Hesitant for paint to meet surface, you might like to start with an online paint visualiser. This tool is a simple method to condense your choices to a narrow assortment.

When sampling colours it is worth trying a few, as the swatch is not always going to give you an absolute indication. An important variable is how the tones appear throughout the day. Whilst unchanged by the subtle morning light, the saturation of afternoon sun might develop an entirely different look and vice versa.

Don’t forget the accents

Your design decision may be based around a roof colour that is too challenging to change. Or perhaps you are completely transforming the aesthetic and need to collaborate all accents from window frames to the front door, gutters to your letterbox.

When painting additional features, it’s vital to consider what you want the eye to be drawn to. A contrasting colour scheme will ensure the accents stand out, on the other hand, if you desire an uninterrupted comprehensive look, then colours of resembling aesthetic establish smooth transition.

Our final comments…

Through careful consideration of your neighbourhood, architectural style, trying samples before committing and enhancing the embellishments of your front elevation, you can meet satisfying results. Whilst seemingly intimidating at first, you can be reassured that it’s not permanent, and if in doubt you can try another colour until you are content.

Our friendly team at Contrast Painting Perth understand the significance of selecting the right palette for your home and are happy to assist you in your design journey. Speak to our residential painters in Perth today about your home painting project. Get in touch today.

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