Feature Wall Painting: What to do and what not to do

A feature wall brings funk and flavour to a room. It’s defined as an interior wall that has a design, look and feel unlike the other walls in the room.

A feature wall brings funk and flavour to a room. It’s defined as an interior wall that has a design, look and feel unlike the other walls in the room.

Across the world, a feature wall is commonly known as an accent wall.

A feature wall can either be a differently painted wall, like a bold colour next to white walls, or even encompass different wall textures, if you were to be so bold.

Want to know what to do and what not to do when it comes to feature wall painting?

Read more from the Perth residential and decorative painters at Contrast Painting to find out.


Don’t: paint more than one feature wall in a room


Want a special feature in a room? You can seamlessly do so with one feature wall, not two.


  • A feature wall should make the room pop and stand out
  • To do so, it must be the sole feature wall in the room
  • Two (or more) feature walls in a room will definitely diminish the desired effect.

For example, a living room feature wall is meant to provide an illusion of space and a touch of boldness to a room. Feature walls tie a room and theme together and give a glimpse into your individual interior style. Two feature walls in a room can do the opposite effect and make your room look smaller.

Need help painting a feature wall? You need Contrast Painting, the experts in residential painting in Perth.


Don’t: paint the smallest, shortest wall


A feature wall adds a beautiful background to your furniture. By selecting and painting your smallest and/or shortest wall a feature colour, you’re not giving yourself room as a backdrop.

Many of us put our beds, lounges and television cabinets against a feature wall.

The smallest, shortest wall in the room as a feature wall will not catch the eye, nor boast enough surface area to create the illusion of added space.


Don’t: overdo it


It’s easy to get carried away when it comes to painting, especially if you do it yourself.

Good intentions don’t always lead to great results if there’s limited foresight.

How to avoid this: 

  • Don’t choose clashing colours
  • Avoid colours because they’re exciting
  • Choose a colour that works with existing or envisioned furniture
  • Take note of other room accent features like cushions and rugs.

As residential and decorative painters in Perth, Contrast Painting know the exact colours, accents and shades that will work.


Do: consider lighting


Windows and artificial lighting play a large part in how colours interact within a room.

For example, heavy natural light make darker colours, brighter, and lighter colours potentially dull and boring. What lighting do you or will you have in your freshly painted property?


Do: hire a professional residential painter in Perth


Contrast Painting are the residential, commercial and decorative painters in Perth you can rely on.

Our rich history, mission and vision intertwine in all that we do, so you will know you’re getting only the best painting results.

Talk to us about our decorative and luxury painting services that include feature walls and more.


Need a decorative painter in Perth?  

Contact Contrast Painting today for a free quote for your residential or commercial property painting needs.

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